Lower Body Exercises

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    Online Fitness Library - Lower Body - LungesBegin with your feet shoulder width apart. Stepping forward (approx. 3 feet between legs) place front foot flat on floor and back heel lifted off floor. Engage stomach and lengthen back, keeping upper body vertical (hip and shoulders aligned). Front knee should be in line with front ankle during lowering and raising of the body (do not allow knee to go over toe) Keeping body vertical, inhale and slowly dip the lower body down so that the back knee comes close to the floor. Keeping the body lifted and the abs tight exhale and slowly straighten both legs, keeping the tension in the front leg by pressing heel against the floor creating a resistance. Repeat the motion focusing on breath and posture, moving slowly and evenly.


    Online Fitness Library - Lower Body - SquatStanding upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Your toes should be either pointed straight ahead or slightly outward, never inward or knee strain will result) Focus your vision straight ahead. Do not tilt your head backwards or raise your eyes as this will disrupt your balance. Place arms by your sides using weights or hands on hips. Keeping your heels planted firmly on the floor and your spine long and stomach tight, inhale and move your butt back and downward. Do not start by bending the knees. Continue downward, by bending the knees, but be careful not to allow your knees to move forward, keep the weight in your heels. This will save you stress on your knees. When the thighs reach parallel, begin exhaling and return to the starting position. There should be no sideways movement, especially in the knee or hip area. Be aware, the deeper you squat the more you call your hamstrings into play. Repeat this motion keeping your spine long, stomach tight, weight in heels with slow and even breathing.


    Online Fitness Library - Lower Body - Leg ExtensionLying on your back in a neutral floor position, place heels on ball and hands on floor beside you for stability. Engage your inner thighs, gluts and hamstrings. Inhale and roll ball towards you by bringing knees towards chest. Exhale and slowly push ball away by straightening legs and lifting pelvis high off floor by squeezing your gluts and hamstrings, engage stomach. Inhale, lower pelvis back on floor and knees back towards chest. Repeat exercise for 12 to 15 reps; add 10 pulses to increase intensity. (Press against heels throughout entire exercise)


    Online Fitness Library - Lower Body - Side Left LegIn neutral floor position, slowly stretch the legs along the floor until they are fully extended. Gently press the lower back into the floor keeping spine long and stomach engaged. Slowly raise left arm above head, keeping shoulder blades connected to the floor. Using slight exertion, roll yourself over on left side, resting head on left arm; keep the torso in the same neutral floor position. The right arm is in front of you on floor, supporting this position. Slowly bend bottom knee (left) under top leg (right), align the shoulders, hips and knees. Inhale and point the foot, stretching and lengthening through leg. Exhale and lift leg to a comfortable position without shifting the pelvis. Repeat this exercise, keeping energy in leg, and when exercise is complete, gently roll yourself back to neutral position and repeat on other side.