Achieving a Six Pack

June 8, 2011 Ask Leslie

Dear Leslie, I’ve lost 30 pounds and am very proud of myself. I’ve changed my diet, incorporated a strength training routine and do cardiovascular exercise on a regular basis. I’m really proud of myself and how I look. My only major complaint is my lower stomach. It doesn’t matter how many abdominal exercises I do, I just can’t lose my gut! What am I doing wrong?

Abs for Life!
The key to achieving that “six-pack” you’ve always dreamed of comes not from doing 600 crunches a day, but through a combination of a low fat diet and cardiovascular exercise. When you train a particular area of your body, fat will, unfortunately, never turn into muscle. It is still important to strength-train your abdominal muscles to keep them strong and ready to be revealed. When you strengthen the area and lose that fat, you are uncovering the muscle. That’s when your hard work pays off, because lean muscle tissue helps burn fat. As your lean muscle tissue increases, your body becomes more efficient and you will increase your metabolism.

The lower abdominals are the most difficult area to train for most women and some men. Oftentimes, people feel frustrated that they can’t access their lower abdominal region, or they say “it’s so weak and covered with fat that they have no feeling down there” – particularly women who have given birth or had c-sections. The good news is there are simple ways to gently begin strengthening this area in our daily lives. It is our place of power and we need to reclaim it!

Begin by gently pulling your belly button towards your spine, and you will contract these muscles. This can be incorporated into every exercise that you do, or even while lying down, standing at a bus stop, washing dishes, sitting at your desk — basically anytime and anywhere! By simply engaging these muscles on a regular basis you are strengthening your core, which will help you achieve stronger abdominals, improve your posture, and support your back. Your entire figure will simply look better by “sucking in your gut.” But keep I mind that when you do engage this area, it is important to relax your upper body, especially your shoulders and chest. You don’t want to overcompensate by sticking out other parts of your body. Stay focused on isolating the lower abdominals.

Keep up the great work and don’t get discouraged, after all “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” First and foremost, your health is the most important, how you look and feel are a reflection of your inner self, so treat yourself with patience and kindness. Good luck!


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