Weight Loss Transformation

June 8, 2011 Ask Leslie

Question: I’veĀ been eating healthy and exercising regularly for the past month, I don’t seem to be loosing weight. When I step on the scale, it says that I’ve actually gained weight! Why am I gaining weight and what should I do about it? I honestly feel like quitting since I don’t seem to be getting ahead.

Answer: Don’t quit! You may actually be making amazing progress and just not realize it. First of all, don’t concern yourself with the scale weight and instead focus on how your clothes are fitting and how you are feeling. That’s because the scale can be a little misleading at times.

Typically when you begin an exercise program with weight training and cardiovascular activity, you are changing your body composition from fat to muscle. We all agree that muscle looks so much better than fat and takes up much less space, but it actually weighs a little more than fat. As a result, as you lose fat and gain muscle, your weight on the scale may go up slightly. This is a good thing. Muscles will increase your metabolism, take up much less space and give you a lean toned look

There may be several other explanations why the scale is misleading you. Here are just a few factors that can impact your scale weight:

    • Energy input=energy output=weight loss or gain
    • Hormonal imbalances
    • Body composition; lean muscle tissue vs. fat
    • Pregnancy & childbirth
    • Menopause
    • Monthly cycle


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