Upper Body Exercises

Upper Body Exercises Abdominal Exercises Lower Body Exercises


    Online Fitness Library - Upper Body - PushupsLie facedown on the floor with hands wider than shoulders width apart, on knees (modified) or toes. Take a deep inhale, bend the elbows and lower into a pushup, keep the spine and neck long (gaze at the floor) elbows to 90 degrees and abs in tight. Don’t sag in the middle. Exhale and push back to starting position and repeat for 2 counts down and 2 counts up. Do as many as possible without losing your form.


    Online Fitness Library - Upper Body - Chest FliesLie with both knees bent and soles of the feet on the floor. Feel the spine elongated and stomach tight. Begin with arms above chest, elbows slightly bent and palms facing each other but not touching. Inhale and slowly lower arms down to the sides no lower than shoulder lever, do not arch back. Exhale and contract the chest to pull arms back to start and repeat for 12 reps, 2 counts down, 2 counts up. Visualize hugging a beach ball.

  • BENT OVER DB ROW (lats)

    Online Fitness Library - Upper Body - Bent over DBHold a dumbbell in each hand, stand with feet shoulder width apart, bend your knees slightly, then bend forwardfrom the waist, or you can sit at the end of a bench or stool. Keeping your head up and your back straight and stomach tight. Have the weights hang at arm’s length below the shoulders. Inhale and then exhale concurrently lift both weights up as far as possible to your sides, squeezing your lats, keeping your stomach tight so you donot involve your lower back (the weights should come up to your sides, not your chest, in order to keep biceps involvement to a minimum). Inhale, then lower the weights again, slowly and repeat.

  • SIDE RAISES (shoulders)

    Online Fitness Library - Upper Body - Side RaisesStand with feet hip-width apart, abs in and torso upright, knees slightly bent with weights resting on side of thighs (palms face the thighs). Inhale to begin and exhale to lift arms to sides to shoulder level, elbows slightly bent and palms facing the floor. Inhale to lower and repeat for 2 counts up and 2 counts down. Do not allow your body to sway back and forth, stabilize your movement using your core strength.


    Online Fitness Library - Upper Body - Bicep CurlsStand with your feet hip-width apart and grip spaced shoulder width apart. Keep your abdominal muscles tight, chest up, knees bent and elbows into your sides. Your elbows should remain stable in a fixed position. Inhale to begin, then exhale and lift the weight directly up while focusing on biceps muscles. Stop when the weight is 90 degrees from your shoulder joint and reveres the motion back down. Lower the weight down, stop just before your elbows are straight and reverse the motion back up, focus on your breathing and contracting your biceps. Repeat for 2 counts up and 2 counts down.


    Online Fitness Library - Upper Body - Lying Tricep ExtensionsLie flat on your back with soles of feet on the floor. Keep abdominals tight bring one arm directly above you, holding onto the triceps with other hand to support elbow. With elbow and shoulder in one line, gently position elbow to 45-degree angle to the floor. This is the starting position. Inhale and slowly lower the weight by bending the elbows until the weight is near the floor (do not hit yourself in head with weight). Exhale and reverse the movement back to the start position, concentrate on the triceps doing the work. Repeat for 2 counts down and 2 counts up.